Nurse Corps, AFP and  Military Nurse Association of the Philippines Joint Anniversary Celebrations

Nurse Corps, AFP and Military Nurse Association of the Philippines Joint Anniversary Celebrations

Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (CSAFP) Lieutenant General Bartolome Vicente O Bacarro presided over the joint anniversary celebrations of the 84th Nurse Corps, AFP and 57th Military Nurse Association of the Philippines (MNAP) on Monday, August 5 at the Tejeros Hall, AFP Commissioned Officers Country in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.

The occasion marked the Nurse Corps’ and MNAP’s years of excellent service to improve the military’s healthcare system. Present in the activity were Brigadier General Venus M Bajarin, the Chief Nurse, AFP; and Colonel Victoria L Vidal (Ret), President of MNAP.

The CSAFP also led the awarding of exemplary military nurses who rendered outstanding services that are vital in providing care to the members of the armed forces.///(Photos PO3 Donald Viluan PN (Ret)/PAOAFP)


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